Duties & Functions

Directly responsible
to the CEO/Head of BP Batam

General duties of Jakarta representative office

Include appearing as an intermediary and/or communicator in order to carry out the duties and functions of BP Batam by assisting in the carrying out some of BP Batam’s duties in the General Affairs, and Inter-Agency Relations and Promotion, as well as other duties outside the main task.

Special duties of Jakarta representative office

The BP Batam Representative Office assigned the task of managing assets in the form of the Kuningan Guest House located in South Jakarta.

Jakarta representative office function

General Affairs Management

As the administrative administration, personnel, finance, and equipment manager.

Inter-Agency Relations Management and Promotion

  • Includes Program development and implementation of inter-institutional relations activities, protocols, and public relations, as well as information and promotion.
  • Coordinating activities and arrangements, as well as planning meetings between BP Batam
  • Open access with Ministries/Agencies and Non-Ministries/Agencies and other partners.
  • Coordinate and maintain good relations with Ministries/Agencies and Non-Ministries/Agencies as well as other partners.
  • Implementation of assistance for information and promotional activities in Jakarta and its surrounding region.
  • Operational support and assistance for BP Batam work units serving in Jakarta and its surrounding region.